Bump and Beyond
Bump and Beyond
Bump and Beyond was a program specifically designed to enhance pregnancy outcomes and promote child health in underserved areas of Birmingham. The program offered a comprehensive 8-12 week course of activities that were tailored to meet the unique cultural and religious needs of the participants. These activities were previously unavailable in mainstream health care and aimed to provide support to mothers, particularly those from ethnic minorities, from preconception through early years (up to 2.5 years). The ultimate goal was to reduce the risk of health complications during pregnancy and provide the best possible start in life for newborns.
The programme included supported group classes, workshops, and personalised interventions focused on healthy nutrition, exercises, and relaxation to enhance overall mental and physical well-being. These components were tailored to the specific needs of each mother. Integrated with GP services, a health coach and nutritionist provided support
to families on nutrition, prevention, and management of Type 2 diabetes. Our objective was to assist women in reducing or managing weight, blood sugars, and cholesterol while also improving mood and health awareness. Services were offered in community languages as needed, and our team was multilingual.
We worked in partnership with the NHS Birmingham & Solihull Local Maternity & New-born Partnership in Birmingham, Midlands. Our project was built on evidence demonstrating the valuable effects of health coaching and community support in enhancing maternal outcomes during pregnancy. Our clients were required to provide their informed consent to obtain and share clinical data relevant to the project, including BMI, weight, cholesterol, sugar levels, and any diagnosis indicating a risk or existing Type 2 Diabetes.